Companies with apparel programs need to be mindful of all areas of fashion production to ensure every process is working effectively. When one component is not functioning properly, it affects the entire apparel program and ultimately profitability. To fix a problem, you first have to identify it, which can sometimes be difficult and may require a different perspective. In this episode, CEO Bret Schnitker and Chief Strategy Officer Emily Lane, discuss the value of bringing in outside expertise to identify planning and production missteps in apparel programs.
WatchTranscriptThe heart is at the center of Ukrainian designer, Ivan Frolov’s work, from the heart shaped cutout and details to the human heart logo placed on each design symbolizing it is a living breathing work.
In October 2021, the first Kyiv Art & Fashion Days was held in Ukraine.
Garment production is an intricate process involving multiple organizations operating all over the world.
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