Shifts in purchasing, consumer behavior, logistics and technology are all causing major changes in retail. With the convergence of so many elements, it’s hard for retailers to identify the trends with staying power. Enter Deborah Weinswig, founder and CEO of Coresight Research, a firm specializing in data-driven insights for the retail industry. Weinswig has been ranked the top analyst by Institutional Investors for the last 10 years. In this episode, Stars Design Group CEO, Bret Schnitker, Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), Emily Lane and Deborah Weinswig discuss how technology is changing the retail landscape and how it is providing opportunities for companies to innovate and grow.
WatchTranscriptThe heart is at the center of Ukrainian designer, Ivan Frolov’s work, from the heart shaped cutout and details to the human heart logo placed on each design symbolizing it is a living breathing work.
In October 2021, the first Kyiv Art & Fashion Days was held in Ukraine.
Garment production is an intricate process involving multiple organizations operating all over the world.
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